Episcopal Diocese of Virginia
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Beginnings Book Group

Book Club

Mondays during the program year
7:30 PM – 9:00 PM

contact Parish Office

The Beginnings Book Group will be discussing The Case For Christ by Lee Strobel at our first meeting on Monday, October 8th  7:00 pm at the Starks’ home.  On the 8th we will view the movie of the same name (based on the book), and discuss, as time permits.

Lee Strobel was an investigative reporter for The Chicago Tribune.  He and his wife and daughter were having dinner at a restaurant when the daughter began choking.  A woman nearby saw what was happening, rushed over, and, using the Heimlich maneuver, saved the child’s life.  This event began a friendship between Strobel’s wife and the woman.  Strobel’s wife started going to church with her friend, and became a Christian.  Strobel was furious and set out to prove to his wife that Christianity was a hoax and a cult.  He used his investigative skills to do this.  The book is the story of how he went about his proof, and what conclusions he came to.  The Case For Christ was on the best seller list for many months.

Beginnings is open to all.  We love new members!  Please contact the parish office at 703-941-2922 for questions or directions.