Episcopal Diocese of Virginia
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Education for Ministry Information Session

7:00 PM


Education for Ministry (EfM) is coming back to St. Barnabas’ this fall after a twelve-year hiatus!  Developed by the School of Theology at Sewanee, this program is designed to develop a deeper understanding of Christian tradition and theology, as well as a wider concept of lay ministry.  The program is not a path to ordained ministry; it is designed for lay people.

EfM is a four-year program, but participants register for one year at a time. A typical group has 6-12 members and meets weekly for about two hours. You should plan to spend an additional two to four hours each week in preparation. We follow an academic calendar, meeting in the fall and spring, with summers off.

Since its inception in 1975, more than 100,000 people have participated in this vital program. Today, EfM groups meet in almost every diocese of The Episcopal Church, six provinces of the Anglican Communion, and some in virtual classrooms with participants from across the globe.

Interested? Please join Beth Harper for a Zoom information session on Thursday, July 29 at 7 p.m. to learn more about this enriching and rewarding program.  Please contact the Parish Office or consult your Thursday email announcements for Zoom login information.