Pastoral Offices
The Seven Sacraments Altarpiece Rogier van der Weyden, Artist 1450
What follows are services that are done on an occasional basis according to pastoral need at significant moments in the life of the church and its members. These services include the sacramental rites of Confirmation, Holy Matrimony, and Reconciliation of a Penitent.
Additional services are provided for in The Book of Occasional Services, which includes rites such as the Blessing of a Home, provision for the Catechumenate, and Seasonal Blessings.
The pastoral offices include forms for Commitment to Christian Service, Thanksgiving for the Birth or Adoption of a Child, Ministration to the Sick, Ministration at the Time of Death, and the Burial of the Dead among others.
The sacrament of marriage is performed for parishioners who have been in regular attendance at worship services and who participate in parish life. For more information, please contact the Rector.
The rite of burial is scheduled at any time except on Sundays. Parishioners often request to have their ashes interred in the parish's beautiful Memorial Garden. Visitors to the Memorial Garden are welcome at any time.
For more information, please telephone the parish office at (703) 941-2922.