Episcopal Diocese of Virginia
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FACETS Meal Preparation and Delivery

4:00 PM – 6:00 PM

Richardson Room and Kitchen

One of St. Barnabas’ important outreach opportunities is working with FACETS, one of the largest social safety nets for families, children, and individuals in Fairfax County.  “FACETS meets people where they are, usually at the most vulnerable time in their lives, and helps them build stronger futures.”  (facetscares.org)  They do this by offering emergency and basic needs assistance along with individualized case management to enable people to become self-sufficient and break the cycle of homelessness, poverty, and hunger.  Since the founding of FACETS, 35 years ago, St Barnabas' has participated in their Hot Meals program.  This was our first and keystone outreach activity.

Every first Sunday of the month, St. Barnabas' members and friends gather in the Richardson Room and kitchen to cook a hot meal and pack cold sides.  Drivers then deliver the food to unhoused or food insecure families in the Fairfax area.  We welcome all members and participants of St. Barnabas' to join in this fundamental outreach to our neighbors.  The need has increased in recent months; increased participation will help us to meet the need.

Our next Sunday will be July 7th; we meet from 4-6 p.m.

For more information about the FACETS program you can go to their website, facetscares.org, or speak to Molly Newling or Mark Patterson